The intergeneric hybrid between Brassica napus and Orychophragmus violaceus was obtained by means of embryo culture technique with the latter as the pollen parent. The hybrid was morphologically intermediate between its parents, but could produce a lot of seeds when selfed. Somatic separation of the genomes from the two parental species was observed during the mitotic divisions of some of the hybrid cells. Thus, the hybrid became the mixoploid in nature, consisting of haploid and diploid cells of B. napus, and a nuclear — cytoplasmic hybrid, with the cytoplasm of B. napus and the nuclei of O. violaceus, and the hybrid cells. Pollen mother cells with 19, 12 and 6 bivalents, respectively, were produced by the hybrid. From the selfed progeny of the hybrid, mainly two kinds of plants, B. napus and the hybrid, were found. The hybrid plants of the selfed progeny again produced two kinds of plants, B. napus and the hybrid.