Guinea pig soleus and gastrocnemius electromyograms at varying speeds, grades, and loads

The purpose of the study was to describe changes that occur in the usage of fast-twitch and slow-twitch guinea pig hindlimb muscles, as estimated using chronically implanted electromyogram (EMG) electrodes, during voluntary locomotion under various conditions. Guinea pigs, in which fine wire electrodes were implanted in soleus (SOL) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG) muscles, were exercised at various speeds (13.4, 26.8, 40.2 m/min), grades (0–30%) and in some conditions loads (50–150 g) on a motor-driven treadmill. Bipolar EMG signals were rectified-averaged (RA-EMG) and analyzed for burst duration, amplitude, and the integral of each burst (IEMG). For each condition and muscle, total IEMG/min (IEMG/step x steps/min) was calculated and expressed as a percent of the maximum IEMG recorded. With increasing speed at 0% grade, the ratio of LG to SOL IEMG, each expressed as percent of maximum, remained constant at about 0.82. An increased stepping rate of 150 (at 13.4 m/min) to 225 (at 40.2 m/min) steps/min was accompanied by a 37% decrease in burst duration in LG and SOL. When the treadmill belt speed was increased from 13.4 to 4.02 m/min at 30% grade, the LG/SOL ratio increased from 0.83 to 1.03, whereas burst duration decreased by 49% (SOL) and 51% (LG). Soleus IEMG did not change significantly with increases in speed or grade; LG IEMG increased significantly with speed at 10% grade and with grade increase at the highest speed (40.2 m/min). These data provide some insight into how modifications of work load on a treadmill affect overall muscle activity and may assist in the interpretation of training-induced muscle biochemical alterations previously noted by other investigators.