Energetics and structures of neutral and chargedSins(n⩽10) and sodium-dopedSinNa clusters

Energetics and structures of neutral and charged Sin (n⩽10) and sodium-doped Sin Na clusters have been investigated using local spin density functional electronic structure calculations and structural optimizations, with and without exchange-correlation gradient corrections. For the Sin clusters, the monomer separation energies show local maxima for n=4, 7, and 10. The vertical and adiabatic ionization potentials are smaller than the values for the Si atom and exhibit odd-even oscillations with values in agreement with experiments, and the adiabatic electron affinities show local minima for n=4, 7, and 10, with the value for the heptamer being the smallest, in agreement with the experimentally measured pattern. Binding of Na to Sin is characterized by charge transfer from the sodium resulting in the development of significant dipole moments for the Sin Na clusters. The binding energy of Na to Sin oscillates as a function of n, with local maxima for n=2, 5, and 9, and local minima for n=4, 7, and 10, with the value for n=7 being the smallest. A similar trend is found for the vertical and adiabatic ionization potentials of the doped clusters, correlating with the electron affinity trend exhibited by the Sin clusters, and in agreement with recent measurements. In the optimal adsorption geometry of H2 O on the Si7 Na cluster, the oxygen is bonded to the Na, with a hydration energy significantly higher than that of an isolated sodium atom. The vertical and adiabatic ionization potentials of NaH2 O are lower than those of Si7 NaH2 O, and the values for the latter are lower, by ≈0.2 eV, than those of the unhydrated Si7 Na cluster.