Effect of Shear Stress on Sintering

The effect of small uniaxial stresses on the sintering of CdO powder compacts was studied using a loading dilatometer. Compacts of two different green densities were sintered at 1123 K and subjected to stresses between 0 and 0.25 MPa. Densification and creep occur simultaneously, and the effects of these two processes can be separated. Between relative densities of 0.5 and 0.9, the dependence of the uniaxial creep rate on density can be described in terms of a stress intensification factor which depends exponentially on the porosity but is independent of the grain size. Comparison of the densification and creep rates permits definition of the sintering stress, which is found to decrease with increasing density, and verification of the Zener relation. The stress and grain size dependence of the creep rate, and the grain size dependence of the densification rate, support grain‐boundary diffusion as the rate‐controlling step in both processes.

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