Study of an Impurity Mode Using Specific-Heat Measurements

The low-frequency impurity mode in KCl: Li first observed through thermal-conductivity measurements by Baumann has been studied by measuring the specific heat between 0.06 and 2.0°K for lithium concentrations from 2×1017 to 8×1018 cm3. The specific-heat anomaly is of the Schottky type. In crystals doped with Li6Cl, the anomaly peaks at a temperature 40% higher than in crystals doped with Li7Cl. This large isotope effect proves the correctness of the model proposed by Lombardo and Pohl according to which this mode is caused by the tunneling of the substitutional Li+ ion between several equivalent off-center equilibrium sites. The influence of a static electric field on the specific-heat anomaly has also been studied. It can be explained through a polarization of the tunneling states. The analysis of our data is based on the calculations by Gomez, Bowen, and Krumhansl, and by Devonshire. We conclude that the zero-field tunnel splitting is 104 eV (0.82 cm1), that the potential minima between which the ion can tunnel are displaced by 1.2 Å in the 111 directions from the center of the potassium vacancy, and that the effective positive charge e* of the lithium ion is 0.5 of the electronic charge, with an error of ±10%. At high concentrations the anomaly broadens. This is interpreted through a concentration-dependent stress broadening of the tunneling states. The data provide no evidence for a dipole-dipole interaction of a ferroelectric type. Contrary to the prediction by Quigley and Das, no tunneling states have been observed through specific-heat measurements in KBr: Li. Hence, it is concluded that the reason for the occurrence of a central instability of impurity ions is still not fully understood.