A heat exchanger was developed and incorporated into the recirculation system of a dental processor to maintain strict temperature control. Without the heat exchanger, developer temperature rose steadily over 8 h to a maximum of 35.7 degrees C: with the heat exchanger it was maintained, regardless of ambient conditions, at the desired temperature with virtually no fluctuation. Sensitometric properties of base and fog, speed, and average gradient were measured for D and E speed films and Lanex Regular/T-Mat G and Lanex Fast/T-Mat Hscreen-film systems at developer temperatures of 21.1, 23.8, 26.7, 29.4 and 32.2 degrees C. Small changes in these properties were found for D and E speed films: on the other hand, Lanex Regular/T-Mat G showed a 65% increase in base and fog and Lanex Fast/T-Mat H a 43% increase in average gradient over the temperature range studied. Although these changes may not be clinically significant for intra-oral and dental radiography, the variations in image quality may compromise controlled imaging experiments and clinically compromise radiographic quality when using screen-film systems.

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