Electron transfer through photosystem II acceptors: Interaction with anions

We present an overview of anionic interactions with the oxidation-reduction reactions of photosystem II (PSII) acceptors. In section 1, a framework is laid for the electron acceptor side of PSII: the overview begins with a current scheme of the electron transport pathway and of the localization of components in the thylakoid membrane, which is followed by a brief description of the electron acceptor Q or QA and the various heterogeneities associated with it. In section 2, we review briefly the nature of the active species of the bicarbonate (HCO3 ) effect, the location of the site of action of HCO3 , and its relationship to interactions with other anions. In section 3, we review data on the anion effects on the reoxidation of QA and on the various reactions involved in the two-electron gate mechanism of PSII, and provide a hypothesis as to the action of HCO3 on the protonation reactions. New data obtained by one of us (G) in collaboration with J.J.S. van Rensen, J.F.H Snel and W. Tonk for HCO3 -depleted thylakoids, demonstrating the abolition of the binary oscillations contained within the periodicity of 4 observed for proton release, are also reviewed. In section 4, we comment on the measured binding constant of HCO3 at the anion binding site. And, in section 5, we review our current concept of the mechanism of the HCO3 effect on the electron acceptor side of PSII, and comment on the possible physiological roles for HCO3 . Measurements of HCO3 reversible anionic inhibition in intact cells of a green alga Scenedesmus are also reviewed.