The EPR Spectrum of Di-μ-(pyridine N-oxide) bis [bisnitrato(pyridine N-oxide)copper(II)] in the Corresponding Zinc(II) Crystal

It has been shown1–3 that the exchange interactions in the dimeric4 complex di-μ-(pyridine N-oxide) bis [bisnitrato(pyridine N-oxide) copper(II)], [Cu(pyO)2]2 lead to a triplet ground state for the copper(II) pairs. The triplet state epr spectrum has been observed1,3,5,6 for a powdered sample of the complex coprecipitated with the corresponding zinc(II) complex, and the computer simulation of this spectrum has been carried out by two different groups3,5,6. As is often the case when dealing with spectra of powdered samples, there exist ambiguities with the spectrum of [Cu(pyO)2-(NO3)2]2 since all of the resonances were not observed, and consequently, the interpretation and values of the parameters remain in question. It was felt that examination of the epr spectra of single crystal samples should permit a rigorous analysis of this problem.