A theory for Langmuir solitons

A systematic and self-consistent analysis of the problem of Langmuir solitons in the entire range of Mach numbers (0 < M < 1) has been presented. A coupled set of nonlinear equations for the amplitude of the modulated, high-frequency Langmuir waves and the associated low-frequency ion waves is derived without using the charge neutrality condition or any a priori ordering schemes. A technique has been developed for obtaining analytic solutions of these equations where any arbitrary degree of ion nonlinearity consistent with the nonlinearity retained in the Langmuir field can be taken into account self-consistently. A class of solutions with non-zero Langmuir field intensity at the centre (ξ = 0) are found for intermediate values of the Mach number. Using these solutions, a smooth transition from single-hump solitons to the double-hump solitons with respect to the Mach number has been established through the definitions of critical and cut-off Mach numbers. Further, under appropriate limiting conditions, various solutions discussed by other authors are obtained. Sagdeev potential analyses of the solutions for the Langmuir field as well as the ion field are carried out. These analyses confirm the transition from single-hump solitons to the double-hump solitons with respect to the Mach number. The existence of many-hump solitons for higher-order nonlinearities in the low-frequency ion wave potential has been conjectured. The method of solution developed here can be applied to similar equations in other fields.