We report measurements of dynamic resistance of high quality oxygen deficient SNS edge junctions with YBa2Cu3O6.6 (Tc=60K) as the superconductor (S) and YBa2Cu2.55Fe0.45Oy as the barrier (N). Below the gap a series of peaks in the dynamic resistance is identified as due to multiple Andreev reflections in the barrier (Vn=2Δ/en), while above the gap, the peaks are attributed to McMillan-Rowell oscillations (ΔV=hvF/4edN). Analysis of the subgap series in the 60 K YBa2Cu3O6.6 yields a gap value Δab of 16±1.5meV, and a coupling constant 2Δ/kTc of 6.2±0.5. The McMillan-Rowell series yield the renormalized Fermi velocity of quasiparticles in the barrier vF=(1.5±0.1)×107cm/sec.