On the Mechanism of Action of Alkylguanidines on Oxidative Phosphorylation in Mitochondria

The effect of octylguanidine and oligomycin on the oxygen uptake of rat liver mitochondria and on the ATPase activity of “sonic” submitochondrial particles has been studied. 1 Octylguanidine inhibits state 3 respiration with glutamate-malate and succinate as substrates, but much lower concentrations are required to inhibit oxygen uptake with the former substrates. State 4 respiration is unaffected by octylguanidine. 2 The titration-curve for the octylguanidine inhibition of glutamate-malate oxidation is hyperbolic and apparently biphasic, half-maximal inhibition is obtained at 30 μM octylguanidine. The octylguanidine-curve for inhibition of succinate ocidation is sigmoid with half-maximal inhibition at about 250 μM. 3 Octylguanidine and oligomycin show additive inhibitory action on state 3 respiration with both glutamate plus malate and succinate as respiratory substrates. 4 Concentrations of oligomycin or octylguanidine, which added separately are ineffective on state 3 respiration, become inhibitory when the two inhibitors are added together. 5 Octylguanidine inhibits the ATPase activity of sonic submitochondrial particles with a hyperbolic titration-curve analogous to that obtained for oligomycin inhibition. The inhibitory actions of octylguanidine and oligomycin on the ATPase activity are additive. 6 It is concluded that octylguanidine acts directly on the ATPase complex and that its binding at the action site is mutually exclusive with the binding of oligomycin. A kinetic explanation is given for the reported higher sensitivity of site I phosphorylation to octylguanidine.