Two mixed‐mire complexes in the southern Alps (Italy) were analyzed for vegetation patterns and water and peat chemistry. Six vegetation units were distinguished, representing three phytosociological orders, the Sphagnetalia magellanici, Scheuchzerietalia palustris and Caricetalia fuscae. Boundaries between these units are sharp and marked by difference in calcium concentrations in mire water and pH values. Relatively high Ca concentrations (up to 150 |j.eq/l) were measured at ombrotrophic sites. They mirror similarly high concentrations in precipitation and are probably correlated with dry deposition of calcium‐rich particles. Phosphorous appears to be the main differentiating nutrient between the units; no significant differences are found for nitrogen. The vegetation is mainly characterized by the distributional pattern of Caricetalia fuscae species, being restricted to minerotrophic sites.