Partial pressures of Hg and Te2 over (Hg1−xZnx)1−yTey solid solutions

The partial pressures of mercury PHg and of diatomic tellurium P2 have been determined from the optical density of the vapor phase coexisting with HgTe–ZnTe solid solutions containing 10, 20, 30, 50, and 70 mol % ZnTe. The optical density was measured between 250 and 750 nm, the maximum temperature range covered was 300 to 791 °C. The predominant vapor species is PHg, even for the Te-saturated state. Only PHg was measurable for the metal-saturated state. The maximum value was measured for 50 mol % ZnTe and is 34 atm at 727 °C. At temperatures up to about 500 °C, PHg is very nearly the same for all of the metal-saturated samples studied. For the Te-saturated state, both PHg and P2 were measured. A plot of log PHg against 1000/T is a straight line at low temperatures and at a given temperature, PHg is higher the smaller the mol % ZnTe in the solid solution. The chemical potential of HgTe in the solid solutions is derived from the data and compared to that in HgTe–CdTe.

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