Statistical Mechanics of LiquidHe4

The partition function proposed by Feynman for liquid He4, based on his path integral method, is evaluated for a simple cubic lattice considering long-range permutations as well as nearest-neighbor permutations (to which the previous analysis by one of the authors was restricted). The result indicates a second-order phase transition at the λ point. The marked improvements over the previous treatment are: (1) the specific heat behaves as T3 near absolute zero, (2) the specific heat peak is more pronounced at the λ point, and (3) when triangles are added as possible finite polygons above Tλ the specific heat just above Tλ increases over the previous result, showing an improvement. Equating the theoretical λ point with the experimental, a value for the effective mass of a helium atom about 1.6 times the normal mass is obtained.

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