Planar faults and dislocation dissociations in body-centred-cubic-derivative ordered structures

The stability of faults on. {110} and {112} planes in the B2, DO3 and L21, ordered structures is investigated in several ways. Crystal symmetry considerations, using Neumann's principle, are used to discover which faults may be stable on symmetry grounds, i.e. which faults correspond to stationary points on the γ-surface. The restoring force on one half of the faulted crystal is also calculated for certain special faults which are not required to be stable on symmetry grounds. A and a section of the {110} γ-surface and a section of the {112} γ-surface is calculated for the B2 lattice using two different potentials. It is found that certain faults can be stable with fault vectors which deviate slightly from those predicted on the basis of the hard-sphere model. Possible dislocation dissociation schemes are discussed.