A New Optical Technique for Evaluating Collective Motility of Ram and Bull Ejaculated Spermatozoa

A new, non-destructive, objective technique for measuring collective motility of highly-concentrated ram and bull semen is described. The principle is based on changes in the reflected light scattered by motile spermatozoa. These changes can be recorded as a continuous analog wave pattern (Reflectospermiogram) and are correlated to the intensity of the turbulent motility as evaluated subjectively with an ordinary light microscope. Ram spermatozoa have, after ejaculation, a typical motility pattern, i.e., high, stable activity for .apprx. 20 min, then a period during which the motility decreases at a constant rate, and finally, a period with a low but rather constant activity. The usefulness of the technique was demonstrated in various types of experiments.

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