Evaluation of specific absorbed fractions in voxel phantoms using Monte Carlo simulation.

There is a need to calculate specific absorbed fractions (SAFs) in voxel phantoms for internal dosimetry. For this purpose, an EGS4 user code for calculating SAFs using voxel phantoms was developed on the basis of an existing EGS4 user code for external dosimetry (UCPIXEL). In the developed code, the transport of photons, electrons and positrons in voxel phantoms can be simulated, particularly the transport simulations of secondary electrons in voxel phantoms. The evaluated SAFs for the GSF 'Child' voxel phantom using the developed code were found to be in good agreement with the GSF evaluated data. In addition, SAFs in adult voxel phantoms developed at JAERI were evaluated using the developed code and were compared with several published data. It was found that SAFs for organ self-absorption depend on the organ masses and would be affected by differences in the structure of the human body.

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