Immobilizing the Moving Parts of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels

Voltage-gated ion channels have at least two classes of moving parts, voltage sensors that respond to changes in the transmembrane potential and gates that create or deny permeant ions access to the conduction pathway. To explore the coupling between voltage sensors and gates, we have systematically immobilized each using a bifunctional photoactivatable cross-linker, benzophenone-4-carboxamidocysteine methanethiosulfonate, that can be tethered to cysteines introduced into the channel protein by mutagenesis. To validate the method, we first tested it on the inactivation gate of the sodium channel. The benzophenone-labeled inactivation gate of the sodium channel can be trapped selectively either in an open or closed state by ultraviolet irradiation at either a hyperpolarized or depolarized voltage, respectively. To verify that ultraviolet light can immobilize S4 segments, we examined its relative effects on ionic and gating currents in Shaker potassium channels, labeled at residue 359 at the extracellular end of the S4 segment. As predicted by the tetrameric stoichiometry of these potassium channels, ultraviolet irradiation reduces ionic current by approximately the fourth power of the gating current reduction, suggesting little cooperativity between the movements of individual S4 segments. Photocross-linking occurs preferably at hyperpolarized voltages after labeling residue 359, suggesting that depolarization moves the benzophenone adduct out of a restricted environment. Immobilization of the S4 segment of the second domain of sodium channels prevents channels from opening. By contrast, photocross-linking the S4 segment of the fourth domain of the sodium channel has effects on both activation and inactivation. Our results indicate that specific voltage sensors of the sodium channel play unique roles in gating, and suggest that movement of one voltage sensor, the S4 segment of domain 4, is at least a two-step process, each step coupled to a different gate.