Inhibitory effects of ciprofloxacin and sparfloxacin on DNA gyrase purified from fluoroquinolone-resistant strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

The activities of new quinolones against 140 strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were determined. From the relationship between the MICs of sparfloxacin and ciprofloxacin, fluoroquinolone-resistant S. aureus 6171 (MIC of sparfloxacin, 200 micrograms/ml; MIC of ciprofloxacin, 100 micrograms/ml) and fluoroquinolone-susceptible S. aureus FDA 209-P were selected for purification of the subunit A and B proteins of their DNA gyrases. The supercoiling activities of reconstituted ArBr (r, resistant) (from strain 6171) and ArBs (s, susceptible) gyrases were 40-fold more resistant to new quinolones than those of AsBs from FDA 209-P and AsBr gyrases. The 50% inhibitory doses of ciprofloxacin and sparfloxacin for AmBm (from mutant 19) and AmBs (m, moderately resistant) gyrases were 15- to 27-fold higher than those for AsBs and AsBm gyrases. These findings indicate that one of the resistance mechanisms of S. aureus against fluoroquinolones is a modification of the gyrase subunit A protein.