Detailed information on the Glasgow alumni cohort study is available elsewhere.7 Briefly, students attending Glasgow University between 1948 and 1968 were invited to participate in a health examination carried out by physicians. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, medical history, and health behaviours was obtained and father’s main occupation was also recorded. A total of 11 755 men, representing about 50% of the complete male student population, participated in the study. Since 1998, 85% of the male cohort (n = 9986) has been successfully traced through the National Health Service Central Register, which provides continuous updates of the date and cause of death for members of the cohort. Students aged 30 years or more at entry (n = 382), those with missing date of emigration (n = 4), those with missing information on father’s occupation (n = 366), and those with missing confounders (n = 514) were excluded from this analysis, yielding a total sample of 8720 men, among whom there were 1349 deaths up to August 2005.