Effects of Temperature, Flow Rate and Composition of Binding Buffer on Adsorption of Mouse Monoclonal IgG1Antibodies to Protein a Sepharose 4 Fast Flow

The binding capacity of protein A Sepharose 4 Fast Flow for mouse IgG1 monoclonal antibodies (mabs) appears to be highly dependent on the buffer composition with respect to both concentration and ion type. Depending on the particular mab dynamic binding capacities up to 20 mg mab per ml gel could be obtained, when these mabs were isolated from supernatants of protein free hollow fibre cell culture systems. Variation of linear flow rate from 10 up to 300 cm/h and temperature (4°C versus 25°C) had a slight effect on the dynamic binding capacity, when a high ionic strength buffer was used during adsorption. Applying optimum binding conditions, final IgG fractions with a purity of more than 95% monomeric IgG were obtained. However, as side effect of the use of binding buffers with high ionic strength, the binding of acid proteases was also promoted.

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