Transfer of Myelogenous Leukemia Induced by Gastric Instillation of Methylcholanthrene in Wistar Rats

A third case of myelogenous leukemia that followed the gastric instillation of methylcholanthrene in Wistar rats is herein recorded. These 3 cases represent the first instances of myelogenous leukemia produced in rats by carcinogens that answer all the criteria for a true myelogenous leukemia; namely, positive peripheral blood picture, bone marrow, tissue infiltration and transferability. A high percentage of transfer of the myelogenous leukemia was obtained with peripheral blood given intraperitoneally to very young animals of our random bred colony. Successful transfer was also accomplished to very young rats of the Long Evans and Sherman strains. While none of the three animals in which myelogenous leukemia was induced showed any green coloration, all transfers developed as chloroleukemia. Animals with leukemia will be made available to investigators.