EPR of Mn2+ -doped Zn (CH3COO)2 ·2H2O, Mg (CH3COO)2 ·4H2O, and Ni (CH3COO)2 ·4H2O: Mn2+ -Ni2+ exchange constant

X-band EPR measurements on Mn2+-doped single crystals of Zn (CH3COO)2 ·2H2O, Mg (CH3COO)2 ·4H2O, and Ni (CH3COO)2 ·4H2O have been performed at room, liquid-nitrogen, and liquid-helium temperatures. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters are estimated by the use of a rigorous least-squares-fitting technique especially adapted to electron-nuclear spin-coupled systems, on a digital computer. The Mn2+-Ni2+ exchange constant, using the shift of g value in the paramagnetic nickel salt from that in the isostructural magnesium salt at liquid-helium temperature, has been determined to be 3.81 GHz.