The Trilobite Fauna of the Comley Breccia-Bed (Shropshire)

I. Introduction I n a report to the Dundee Meeting of the British Association (1912) upon the excavations made in the Cambrian rocks at Comley during 1911, I called attention to a Paradoxides fauna, which appears to be new to the district, and is found in the matrix of a remarkable breccia near Comley Brook. The objects of the present paper are:— (1) To figure the trilobites of this breccia-bed, and to describe those species which appear to be new; (2) To discuss the palæontological horizon in the Cambrian System which they indicate; and (3) To consider some inferences that may be drawn from the occurrence of this fauna in its present position among the rocks of Comley. II. Recapitulation of Previous Observations In order to make clear the special significance of the fossiliferous Breccia-Bed, it is necessary to recapitulate some of the observations already published. In the section of the Quarry Ridge, the Groomii Fauna is found in the matrix of a conglomeratic grit which rests upon the Lower Cambrian limestones that yield the Protolenus-Callavia Fauna. A similar conglomeratic grit is found at Robin's Tump with some of the same fossils; but in this case it rests, with visible unconformity, on bedded green sandstones, which are regarded as lower in the Cambrian sequence than the Protolenus-Callavia Limestones. The conglomeratic nature of the grit is easily recognized, for the matrix consists largely of rounded quartz-grains with a liberal sprinkling of glauconite,

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