Metabolism of Nucleic Acids and Protein in the Liver, Brain, and Kidney of Female Rats Subjected to Dietary Restriction During the Period of Gestation as well as the Period of Growth, Gestation, and Lactation

The metabolism of nucleic acids and protein, and. cellular growth, were studied in various organs of female rats subjected to a diet restriction during the period of gestation as well as the period of growth, gestation, and lactation. In general, both body and organ growth were retarded during this restriction, with certain exceptions. For example, only the liver demonstrated a decrease in organ weight when the diet was restricted during the period of gestation only. The number of cells in the various organs decreased in the experimental groups, whereas the cell size was observed to increase. Furthermore it was found that restrictions during the period of growth, gestation, and lactation increased the accumulation of cellular ribonucleic acid and protein content. The metabolism of ribonucleic acid and protein also seemed to have increased significantly.It was concluded that although dietary restriction caused changes in cellular growth, size, and metabolism of various organs these changes were much less marked when the restriction was imposed only during the period of gestation.