Continent anal ileostomy with mucosal proctectomy: A bloodless technique using a surgical ultrasonic aspirator in dogs

At present, mucosal proctectomy with ileo-anal anastomosis is a difficult, time-consuming operation involving much blood loss, often associated with impaired postoperative continence. A new operation has been devised in our department in which a surgical ultrasonic aspirator, the CUSATM System (Cavitron Corporation) was used to fragment directly and strip bloodlessly mucosa from the rectal wall in 20 dogs as part of a simple ileo-anal sleeve anastomosis. All dogs were closely followed for up to 10 months. The only operative mortality occurred in the first dog where the upper rectum sloughed because the superior haemorrhoidal artery was divided. Preoperative weight was regained within the first 2 months. Initially stools were loose and frequent. Within 2 weeks the daily stool count was 5–6 with gradual thickening to semisolid consistency by 6 weeks. Finally 3–4 normal stools were passed daily. Postoperatively, all dogs remained continent.
Funding Information
  • Cavitron Corporation
  • Department of Surgery of Mount Sinai Hospital