Sedimentary structures and palaeocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U.P. (India)

Summary: The present paper deals with sedimentary structures and palaeocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola rivers, U.P., India. Typical sedimentary structures observed in the Lower and Middle Siwalik formations are: cross-bedding, rib-and-furrow structure, parting lineation, plane-laminations and worm burrows. Also the Lower and Middle Siwaliks exhibit a typical, cyclic development of sedimentary bed forms and structures characteristic of flood plain deposits. A study of cross-bedding foreset azimuths indicates south-westerly and southerly paleocurrent directions for the Lower and Middle Siwaliks respectively. Distributions of pebble orientations from the Upper Siwalik have significant preferred orientations along both N–S and E–W directions.