Immunologic Status of Thymectomized Adult Rats

Summary: Immunologic function of thymectomized adult rats has been assessed by determining the antibody response to bovine serum albumin and sheep cells, the delayed skin reaction to bovine serum albumin and tubercle bacilli, and the peripheral lymphocyte count. Only minimal immunologic impairment was observed in rats thymectomized as adults as long as a year after operation, and similar minimal impairment was observed after sublethal (430 r) irradiation of these animals. Lethal irradiation and bone marrow restoration of the unoperated adult resulted in a moderate depression of antibody formation, delayed hypersensitivity and peripheral lymphocyte count. However, depression of these parameters was much more marked in the thymectomized adult rat after lethal irradiation, indicating that immunologic function of the thymus persists into maturity.

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