Rubidium and proton ENDOR on ion pairs in solution

The E.S.R. spectrum of the o-dimesitoylbenzene anion-alkali cation radical shows unusually large isotropic alkali hyperfine splitting constants. We report a solution ENDOR study of this radical in which both alkali (85,87Rb) and proton ENDOR spectra were recorded. Both the alkali and proton intensities showed a strong dependence on the metal ion nuclear spin quantum number of the E.S.R. line being saturated. This dependence is attributed to strong flip-flop cross-relaxation induced by modulation of the isotropic alkali hyperfine splitting. The powder E.S.R. spectrum of the complex reveals a small anisotropy of the Rb hyperfine splitting tensor. This indicates a small metal non-s-contribution to the half-filled molecular orbital, which is consistent with the observed relaxation behaviour and the small g shift. The intensity variations in the alkali and proton ENDOR spectra were used to determine the relative signs of all hyperfine splitting constants, and the absolute signs of the hyperfine splitting constants are deduced from a model of the structure of the complex.