Studies on hypoglycaemia in small-for-dates newborns.

Fasting blood sugar, lactate/pyruvate ratio, blood FFA level, and response to intravenous glucagon (300 μg./kg.) were determined on the first, third, and fifth day of life in 34 children of low birthweight for gestational age (<expected weight minus 2 SD), and in 31 normal infants. There was considerable overlap of the average results of both groups for all these values, and no statistical differences were noted. Hypoglycaemia was found in 10 of 28 term children of low birthweights and occurred most often during the first 24 hours of life. Intravenous glucagon induced a satisfactory rise in blood glucose at all fasting blood glucose levels. It is concluded that depletion of hepatic glycogen stores plays no significant role in the genesis of hypoglycaemia in 'small-for-dates' infants.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe