Simultaneous analysis of diphenhydramine and a stable isotope analog (2H10)diphenhydramine using capillary gas chromatography with mass selective detection in biological fluids from chronically instrumented pregnant ewest

This report describes both the synthesis of a stable isotope analog of the H1 receptor antagonist diphenhydramine (DPHM), and the simultaneous quantitation of DPHM and a deuterated stable isotope analog of DPHM, viz. (2H10)DPHM in biological fluids from the chronically instrumented pregnant ewe. (2H10)DPHM was synthesized and purified, and both its structure and purity were verified. Biological samples were prepared for analysis using liquid-liquid extraction prior to capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The method employed electron impact ionization with selective ion monitoring of ions with m/z 165 for DPHM and m/z 173 for (2H10)DPHM. The minimal quantifiable concentration of DPHM and (2H10)DPHM from a 1.0 ml sample was 2.0 ng ml−1 in fetal and maternal plasma, fetal tracheal fluid and amniotic fluid. The method was validated from 2.0 ng ml−1 to 200.0 ng ml−1 for both DPHM and (2H10)DPHM in plasma, fetal tracheal fluid and amniotic fluid. Differences in the disposition between DPHM and (2H10)DPHM were not apparent during a control experiment in which both labeled and unlabeled DPHM were administered to a chronically instrumented fetal lamb. This method provides the required sensitivity and selectivity for the simultaneous quantitation of unlabeled and labeled DPHM during pharmacokinetic experiments conducted in near-term pregnant sheep.