This report concerns a severe anaphylactoid reaction to 50 mg. of folic acid given intraven. to a 35-yr.-old white woman who had granulo-cytopenia due to thiouracil. The patient had previous episodes of generalized maculopapular skin rash which she attributed to ingest ion of tomatoes, pork, or oranges, to contact with woolen blankets, many common soaps, most face powders and to pheno-barbital, nembutal and aspirin. Dyspnea, orthopnea, substernal oppression, tachycardia and extreme cyanosis characterized the reaction which followed immediately after the 2d injn. of folic acid and lasted 10 min. Intradermal skin tests to folic acid were positive but a precipitin reaction could not be demonstrated. The patient recovered after 16 days of granulocytopenia.