Observation of scaling of the photon structure functionF2γat lowQ2

The structure function F2γ for a quasireal photon has been measured in the reaction ee→eeX for Q2 in the range 0.2<Q2<7 GeV2, by use of 9200 multihadron events obtained with the TPC/Two-Gamma detector at the SLAC storage ring PEP. The data have been corrected for detector effects by a regularized unfolding procedure and are presented as F2γ(x,Q2). The structure function shows scaling in the region 0.3<Q2<1.6 GeV2, x<0.3, and rises for higher Q2 and x>0.1. Below Q2=0.3 GeV2, scaling breaks down in accordance with the finite cross-section bound for real photons.