Tectonic control of desert sediments in rift basins ancient and modern

Summary: Desert sediments are frequently associated with continental rifts or aulacogens in the stratigraphic record. In this circumstance, rift structure and the timing and magnitude of tectonic events exert an overriding control on the distribution and character of alluvial sediments. Recent advances in the understanding of rift structure make a reassessment of ideas on the relationship between faulting, drainage patterns and alluvial facies distribution timely. Existing models of symmetrical graben with large alluvial fans shed from the footwalls of planar, normal boundary faults do not accord with observations in recent rifts. For example, half-graben dominate the structure throughout the African rifts. Boundary faults are mostly listric and the associated back-tilting of fault-blocks, combined with the doming that frequently accompanies rifting, causes back-shedding of rivers away from the basins. Alluvial fan development at fault scarps is, therefore, limited. The maximum observed fan radius in Lake Turkana is, for example, only 8 km, or 10% of the half-graben width at that point. The supply of sediment to rift basins can be dominated by axial rivers ( eg Sugata R. flowing into L. Logipi in Kenya, the Awash R. of the Afar in Ethiopia, and the Rhine R. flowing through the Rhine rift), but there are a surprising number of basins that do not have major axial inputs ( eg L. Tanganyika and L. Malawi in East Africa and L. Baikal in Siberia). In these cases, the importance of smaller, but more numerous rivers draining across the roll-over becomes obvious. These rivers are subjected to rapid changes in base level and longitudinal gradient: movement of a boundary fault alters the geometry of the lake basin and base-level falls as the lake adjusts. This is accompanied by the aggradation of coarse alluvial deposits across the roll-over. Clast size gradients in these deposits are well defined for the region between the basin margin and the main depocentre, with typical measured values of −3 mm km −1 . During the long, intervening periods of tectonic quiescence these and other deposits are reworked and redistributed downslope and offshore. Deltas build out into the lake, but microstratigraphy reveals that they are not of the classic Gilbert type. Short- and long-term fluctuations in lake level cause large-scale migration of the shoreline so that lake muds and alluvial sands are interdigitated over many kilometres in sequences which vary from a few metres to tens of metres in thickness. A synthesis of detailed work carried out on the sedimentology and geomorphology of a modern rift of the common half-graben type provides a new model of sedimentation that will prove useful in interpreting ancient deposits with hydrocarbon potential.