Day-Night Periodicity of Exudation in Detopped Tobacco

Exudate was collected periodically from the root systems of detopped tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. Volume, cations, and K42 or Rb86 transfer were measured. According to measurements of K by K42 and by the flame photometer, when concentrations of KCl and KNO3 were lower than 10-2 [image], the K in the exudate came mostly from a pool in the plant rather than from the external solution. With higher external KNO3 solutions, within a few hr. nearly all of the K in the exudate came directly from the external solutions. Studies with Rb86 lead to the same conclusion. In contrast the maximum proportion of K in the exudate that came from KCl in the external solution was reached usually in many hours after detopping and amounted to from 50 to 75%. The higher the external concentration the faster it was reached. These data for KCl are indicative of the K42 passing through a K pool in the root cells. K and Rb from high concentrations of KNO3 and RDNO3, however, may not pass through such a pool. The addition of 10-2 [image] KNO3 into the external solution during exudation essentially eliminated the effect of periodicity at least for a period of time and under the conditions of the experiments. Hydrochloric acid, mercuric chloride, anaerobiosis, and 2, 4-dinitrophenol had the same effect and each resulted in a massive final exudation that usually persisted for 1 to 3 days before stopping. Therefore periodicity is probably regulated at the tonoplast.