THE CHIEF reason that gastrojejunal ulcer is so rarely seen in children is that so few children have gastrojejunostomies. Since the advent of the Ramstedt pyloroplasty for hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, gastrojejunostomy has been done mostly in infants with certain types of congenital atresia of the duodenum. It is becoming increasingly evident that gastric and duodenal ulcers are commoner in children than was previously supposed. Proctor,1 in 1925, found only 2 children with ulcer out of 8.260 patients with peptic ulcer at the Mayo Clinic. Yet of 1,000 consecutive patients with gastric ulcer, he found 16 with symptoms dating from childhood, and of 1,000 patients with duodenal ulcer, 26 had symptoms from childhood. Bird, Limper, and Mayer2 were able to collect 120 cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers in children in a comprehensive review in 1941. Donovan and Santulli3 found 10 cases of gastric and duodenal ulcer at