Effects of liming a highly leached soil on periodontal health, serum composition, and body weight of sheep

Two groups of 25 sheep, aged 3 years. were grazed for 2 years on adjoining paddocks matched except for an annual application of lime at 1700 kg/ha to one paddock. Observations were made on periodontal health, serum calcium and albumin levels, body weights and pasture. Although calcium intake, assessed from the calcium content of the faeces, was consistently higher in ewes grazing on the limed paddock, a significant difference in the serum calcium levels was found on only one occasion. However, after 2 years the dental condition of the non-limed ewes was inferior, with more sheep showing tooth movement forward in front of the pad and increase in tooth length and mobility. Ewes on the limed paddock had higher body weights (P < 0.001) and higher serum albumin levels (P < 0.001). The pasture on the limed paddock increased in quantity and quality with consequent increase in stocking rate. .It was concluded that the hangs in nutrition resulting from the applicauon of hme contnbuted to the Improvement m penodontal health, but the mechanism is not clear.