σ-model study of Haldane-gap antiferromagnets

We use a quantum O(N) nonlinear σ model to describe one-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets with integer spin S. A large-N analytical treatment of this effective theory leads to definite predictions for thermodynamic quantities in the low-temperature regime. We obtain the Haldane gap as a function of the temperature and note a trend similar to that found in the compound NENP. The specific heat and magnetic susceptibility are also obtained and comparison with exact numerical results for the S=1 spin chain allows us to determine the domain of validity of our approximation. By a calculation at subleading 1/N order we compute the quasiparticle lifetime. Results are given on-shell, for the width observed at the quasiparticle pole as seen in neutron-scattering experiments, and also off-shell, for the NMR relaxation rate T11. The phenomenological interacting boson model is compared with our approach. We discuss the effects of anisotropy and compare our results with present experiments on NENP.