Male-Limited Familial Precocious Puberty in Three Generations

A NEWLY recognized syndrome of sexual precocity in boys, characterized clinically by sex-limited autosomal dominant inheritance and extremely rapid virilization, has recently been reported.1 , 2 In this syndrome, in contrast to true precocious puberty, increased gonadal testosterone secretion appears to be gonadotropin-independent, since both basal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone–induced secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) has been low, whether measured by radioimmunoassay or bioassay,1 , 2 and there is no response to the suppressive effects of the potent gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue D-Trp6-Pro9-NET-LRF, or LRF-A.2 , 3 Despite extensive evaluation of several young boys with this condition, little is known about its natural history. We have . . .