Transpharyngeal Approach to Base of Tongue Tumors: A Comparative Study

Tumors of the tongue base have been traditionally removed by resecting the mandible or using a translabial transmandibular approach. These procedures involve significant morbidity including lip and chin scars, malocclusion, compromised deglutition, chronic aspiration, and altered speech articulation. Therefore alternative techniques have been described to minimize the morbidity associated with transmandibular tongue resection. A retrospective analysis of patients with base of tongue tumors treated at the University of California, Los Angeles, Medical Center between 1981 and 1994 was undertaken. Thirteen patients were treated using a transpharyngeal approach compared with 18 patients who underwent a transmandibular resection. There was no difference in terms of survival or tumor-free margins. However, there was a significant difference in function (P < .05). Patients who underwent transpharyngeal resection had significantly better speech and swallowing and less aspiration compared with those who underwent transmandibular resection of tumors.