A series of 74 patients with hydramnios was studied; 80% were multiparas and there were five sets of twins. There was a high rate of cesarean section (21.6%), breech deliveries (6.8%), diabetes (18.9%) and preeclampsia (14.9%). Among the 79 neonates delivered, there were 23 deaths and the perinatal mortality was 29.1%. There is a remarkable association of hydramnios and congenital anomalies; 21 infants (26.6%) had congenital anomalies and 14(17.7% ) had pathological conditions. Anencephaly and hydrocephaly were the most common lesions; 6 infants had gastrointestinal defects and 10 had anomalous lesions which would have obstructed swallowing or prevented the passage of fluid through the gastrointestinal tract while in utero. Special emphasis should be placed on lesions in which there is urgent need for correction of respiratory obstruction, early surgery, or both. Routine gastric catheterization and aspiration are therefore valuable diagnostic procedures.