A series of laboratory toxicological experiments using various concentrations of oil formulated DDT solutions (AR-50/fuel oil (2:7 V/V)) was carried out on 5th and 6th instar spruce budworm larvae collected in the field from DDT-sprayed and untreated areas of New Brunswick, Canada, and Maine, U.S.A. Results obtained in 1959, 1961, and 1962 with larvae collected from isolated, unsprayed areas in New Brunswick showed a consistent, straight log-dosage probit mortality curve. Larvae collected in 1962 and 1963 from infestation centres previously subjected to three, four, and five applications of non-consecutive large-scale aerial sprays of DDT showed a significant departure from the straight log-dosage probit curve previously obtained. The departure occurs as a change in the shape of the curve as well as a shift to the higher concentration range of DDT. The magnitude of change appears to be correlated with the number of sprays to which the population was exposed. Results obtained in 1962 and 1963, from untreated control and inter-spray areas, bounded by DDT-sprayed forest lands, showed a small but significant departure from the normal straight probit line of a susceptible population. These changes are indicative of a progressive development of DDT resistance in wild populations of spruce budworm. Studies on the effect of the tolerance of spruce budworm larvae within instar classes to the action of DDT showed that the early phase of instar development immediately after moulting is more susceptible to the action of DDT, whereas the latter phase of instar development immediately prior to moulting is more tolerant to topical application of DDT than the average for the instar. This effect is evident in both susceptible and resistant populations. The data interpretation assumes that a deviation from the straight line probit dosage – mortality curve is indicative of a difference in the DDT-susceptibility factor of the budworm population and that in the course of the tests, the amount of toxicant causing mortality was not proportional to the dosage.