Drinking activity of the newly hatched larvae of codGadus morhua L.

The drinking rate of cod larvae 1–7 days post hatching was measured from the uptake of3H-labelled dextran (MW = 70000) admixed in the incubation seawater (34 ppt 5°C). The drinking rate increased gradually from 0.15% to 0.59% of the larval body weight on day 1 and day 7 respectively. This increase in drinking rate correlated with an observed decrease in the volume of the yolk sac and its water store. Autoradiographs showed the labelled dextran to be confined to the intestine. Electron micrographs showed an open mouth communicating with the oesophagus and the intestine in cod larvae at the time of hatching. Chloride cells were present on the opercular folds but not on the vestigial, developing gills. The data indicate that the water acquisition mechanism of larval cod is similar to that of adult marine fish.