Membrane Fluidity of Trophoblast Cells and Susceptibility to Natural Cytotoxicity

This study examines the relationship between membrane lipid microviscosity and susceptibility of villous trophoblast to lysis by natural cytotoxic cells. Trophoblast-enriched cell suspensions prepared from term human placentae were treated with cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHS)-a modulator of membrane lipid microviscosity. CHS-treated cells were more susceptible targets for natural lymphocyte cytotoxicity than were untreated controls. In binding experiments, increased binding of lymphocytes to CHS-treated target cells was found. Preincubation with progesterone prevented membrane rigidification by CHS. Progesterone, cortisol, and estriol restored the impaired resistance of CHS-treated trophoblast cells to lysis. We determined microviscosity and progesterone concentration in villous surface membranes, prepared from placentae from idiopathic spontaneous abortions and normal first-trimester pregnancies. An inverse relationship was found between progesterone content and microviscosity of the membranes. Microviscosity of the membranes from abortion placentae was significantly higher (P < .01) and progesterone concentration was significantly lower (P < .001) than those in the membranes of normal first trimester placentae.