Position and attribute fusion of radar, ESM, IFF and Datalink for AAW missions of the Canadian Patrol Frigate

The R&D group at Lockheed Martin Electronic Systems Canada (LMESC) has now implemented the second version (v2) of its Data Fusion Demonstration Model (DFDM) for a naval anti-air warfare platform. This project has been designed to read data passively on the Canadian Patrol Frigate (CPF) bus without any modification to the CPF software. DFDM v2 has the capability to fuse data from the following CPF sensors: 2 surveillance radar, 2 slaved identification friend or foe, an electronics support measure, the communication intercept operator and a tactical data link (Link-II). The fusion of data from non-organic sensors with the tactical Link-II data has produced spatial alignment problems which have been overcome by the use of a geodetic referencing coordinate system. A new Kalman filter with adaptive process noise provides significantly improved tracking capabilities. Two enhancements have been implemented into a Dempster-Shafer evidential reasoning over attribute data: the addition of pruning rules to reduce the set of identity propositions, and the use of fuzzy logic for confidence level distribution.