Complement C4A, C4B and BF haplotypes in Koreans

Specific alleles at C4A, C4B and BF loci occur in populations and are inherited in complotypes, which are linked with particular HLA haplotypes. Considerable differences in complement allele and complotype frequencies have been observed among various ethnic groups. In the present study, 109 Korean families were analyzed for complement and complotype polymorphism. Thirty‐four different complotypes were detected: the most common was BF*S‐C4A*3‐C4B*1 (S31) with a frequency of 42.2%, followed by S42 (14.3%) and F31 (13.8%). Three complotypes, S42, F31, and FQ01, showed positive linkage disequilibrium. Some of the complotypes were linked with characteristic HLA haplotypes. Two complotypes carrying duplicated C4A genes, S3+31 (BF*S‐C4A*3‐C4A*3‐C4B*1) and S3+2Q0(BF*S‐C4A*3‐C4A*2‐C4B*Q0), were exclusively associated with HLA‐A24‐Cw7‐B7‐DR1‐DQ1 and A24‐CBL‐B52‐DR15‐DQ1 haplotypes, respectively. Twelve families showed recombinant haplotypes, nine in the class I region, three between the HLA‐B and HLA‐DR loci, and none in the class III region. Maternal recombination occurred twice as frequently as paternal. The results obtained in this study represent the frequencies of complotypes and extended HLA haplotypes of well‐defined Koreans, based on a family study.

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