A rapid, semiautomated cytophotometry system for quantitative histochemistry and cytochemistry was constructed. The system consists of a Fairchild charge coupled device (CCD) image camera, a Zeiss Universal microscope, a Datacube analog to digital converter, and a digital Equipment Corporation LSI 11/23 computer operating under RT-11. Computer programs were written in FORTRAN and the MACRO assembly language for the acquisition of data from the CCD device. These data were then used for image segmentation, image display, and calculation of total optical density, perimeter, cell area, and several shape features. The reproducibility of measurement made with the CCD-based cytophotometry system was tested by repeated measurements. The coefficient of variation was estimated to be 1.7% for total optical density and 0.9% for cell area. The CCD-based cytophotometry system was further evaluated by comparing results with measurements made on the same cells with a scanning stage cytophotometer using the HIDACSYS computer programs. Correlation coefficients of 0.96 for total optical density and 0.91 for cell area were obtained between the two systems. We conclude that the high-speed, dimensional stability, small size, and linearity of the CCD-based cytophotometry system will make it useful for quantitative histochemistry and cytochemistry.