Gangliosides in Human Fetal Brain

The ganglioside concentration and composition were determined in 42 human fetal brains from gestational week 10 to 22, a period that is morphologically characterized by rapid neuroblast proliferation and migration. The ganglioside concentration was constant during this period, approximately 1 mumol of ganglioside sialic acid/g of fresh tissue weight. At gestational week 10 the ganglioside pattern was dominated by gangliosides of the ganglio b series, with the major ganglioside being GT1b, contributing 40% of total ganglioside sialic acid, whereas GD1b and GD3 contributed only 15 and 10%, respectively. The proportion of b series ganglioside decreased to gestational week 22, with the most pronounced relative reduction affecting GD3, but also GT1b and GD1b to a lesser extent. The ganglioside GQ1b increased in content from gestational week 10 and peaked around week 16. The proportion of GD1a increased markedly between gestational week 12 and 14 and slowly between week 14 and 18 and then increased rapidly from week 20. Ganglioside GM1 underwent a similar change. Gangliosides of the lacto series contributed 6-10% of ganglioside sialic acid between gestational week 10 and 15, and thereafter the proportion slowly decreased. 3'-isoLM1 decreased rapidly in content from gestational week 10 (20 nmol/g of fresh weight) to week 22 (less than 0.5 nmol/g of fresh weight), whereas the gangliosides of the neolacto series (3'-LM1 and 3',8'-LD1) showed a slower and less marked decline in level. The biological significance of the ganglioside changes is discussed.