Systematics and life histories of New Zealand Bonnemaisoniaceae (Bonnemaisoniales, Rhodophyta): I. The genusAsparagopsis

Two species of the genus Asparagopsis occur in New Zealand waters: A. taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan—from the Kermadec Islands and A. armata Harvey — throughout the rest of New Zealand. The systematics and nomenclature of these two species has been reassessed and details of their anatomy, habitat, seasonality, and biogeography are given. The life history of A. armata was completed in vitro and is sexual, heteromorphic, and triphasic. Gametophytes are dioecious, spring-summer annuals and alternate with a diminutive, heteromorphic tetrasporophyte (the “Falkenbergia” phase) that reaches its peak abundance during winter.