Meshfree and particle methods and their applications

Recent developments of meshfree and particle methods and their applications in applied mechanics are surveyed. Three major methodologies have been reviewed. First, smoothed particle hydrodynamics �SPH � is discussed as a representative of a non-local kernel, strong form collocation approach. Second, mesh-free Galerkin methods, which have been an active research area in recent years, are reviewed. Third, some applications of molecular dynamics �MD � in applied mechanics are discussed. The emphases of this survey are placed on simulations of finite deformations, fracture, strain localization of solids; incompressible as well as compressible flows; and applications of multiscale methods and nano-scale mechanics. This review article includes 397 references. �DOI: 10.1115/1.1431547�

This publication has 127 references indexed in Scilit: